
Sunday, 22 June 2014

Write a verilog code to swap contents of two registers with and without a temporary register?

With temp register (using blocking assignment)

always @ (posedge clock)
     temp = b;
     b = a;
     a = temp;
Without temp register (using non-blocking assignment)

always @ (posedge clock)
     a <= b;
     b <= a;

Friday, 20 June 2014

What is the difference between blocking and non-blocking assignments ?

In Verilog , we have two forms of the procedural assignment statement:

      1. blocking assignment (represented by "=" operator)
      2. non-blocking assignment (represented by "<=" operator).

In blocking assignment statement (i.e. "=" operator), whole statement executes in Active region of current time stamp and then control goes to the next statement.


In non-blocking assignment statement (i.e. "<=" operator), right-hand sides gets evaluated first in Active region and assigns it to left-hand side in the NBA region of the current time stamp.

Example code is mentioned below
module blocking;
reg [0:7] A, B;
initial begin: init1
A = 3;
#1 A = A + 1; // blocking procedural assignment
B = A + 1;

$display("Blocking: A= %b B= %b", A, B );
A = 3;
#1 A <= A + 1; // non-blocking procedural assignment
B <= A + 1;
#1 $display("Non-blocking: A= %b B= %b", A, B );

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------         OUTPUT        ---------------------------------------------------------
Blocking:         A= 00000100     B= 00000101
Non-blocking: A= 00000100     B= 00000100

The non-blocking assignments use the old values of the variables at the beginning of the current time unit and to assign the registers new values at the end of the current time unit. It shows how register transfers occur in hardware systems.
Blocking procedural assignment is used for combinational logic, whereas non-blocking procedural assignment for sequential.

How to generate clock in Verilog ?

 There are many ways to generate clock in Verilog. Some of them are listed below:

Method #1 Using always block and negation operator for 50% duty cycle
initial begin
clk = 0;
#5 clk = ~clk;

Method #2 Using always block, negation operator and parameter for 50% duty cycle
 parameter simulation_cycle = 10;
initial begin
clk = 0;
always begin
#(simulation_cycle/2) clk = ~clk;
Method #3 Using forever block and  negation operator for 50% duty cycle
initial begin
clk = 0;
forever begin
#5 clk = ~clk;

Method #4 Using forever block, negation operator and parameter for 50% duty cycle
    parameter simulation_cycle = 10;
initial begin
clk = 0;
forever begin
#(simulation_cycle/2) clk = ~clk;

Method #5 using always block, directed low time and high time value for 50% duty cycle
initial begin
clk = 0;
always begin
#5 clk = 0;
#5 clk = 1;

Method #6 using always block, directed low time and high time value and parameter for 50% duty cycle
    parameter simulation_cycle = 10;
initial begin
clk = 0;
always begin
#(simulation_cycle/2) clk = 0;
#(simulation_cycle/2) clk = 1;

 There are different other ways also to generate the clock, but commonly these methods are used.

for more detail please write me at